Event Trials

We’re excited to be trialling some of our first assets and ideas at this fabulously eclectic family event next weekend Near Bungay in Norfolk


  • Our deposits are set to reflect the real replacement value of our items, with a 20% premium added to gain the maximum percentage of returns.

**Please bring all the serve-ware back to the wash-hub before you leave**

Frequently asked questions

What is Wash-Hubs?

We are a new charity to replace disposable serve-ware in the events and mobile food sectors with safer, more sustainable materials. We are aiming to support small and medium sized events to use affordable reusables.

We also aim to remove plastics from the food supply chain.

All the serve-ware items we hold, will remain the property of the events community in perpetuity.

We aim to build a national supply of community owned resources.

Where can I get the serve-ware?

Contact Jo on 07926543396, ask crew to find Jo

The Kings Arms Bar and Jo have the stainless steel bar cups.

Secret Paradise coffee has secondhand coffee mugs.

Jo has secondhand dinner plates

Can I buy them instead of hiring them?

Please don’t Keep the stainless steel cups. These are meant for other events and we want to get as many back as possible. PLEASE RETURN THESE TO JO (Wash Hubs charity project) It’s the most sustainable option.

If you want to buy the coffee mugs or dinner plates please pay the deposit fee plus a voluntary donation to the charity. We can sell these because we don’t have much local storage for them yet.

Why are we paying deposits?

Because the results of all the studies made about returnables show that without charging a deposit based on the real value of the item, there are too many losses to make the service sustainable.

Why is it only cash deposits?

Because we have no digital technology yet. We are planning a funding campaign to achieve this soon.

When do we get the deposit back?

Whenever you ask for it by returning the item. If you need a refill, you will be given a clean item in return for your dirty one.

What happens if I just want to leave the dirty item and get a clean one later

You get your deposit back or a clean one, whenever you hand an item in.

When the service grows, we may have the choice of a token system or an app and QR code on the items, as well as cash.

Can I keep the item until later?

Yes. Bring it back when it’s convenient to you, but we would be grateful if you could rinse or wipe it soon after use to remove most of the food.

In future events, we plan to provide easy rinsing stations using recycled water from the dishwasher.

Why are the stainless steel item deposits so much more than the ceramic ones?

Because the stainless items are new and specially commissioned for outdoor events. Also because stainless steel is an attractive unusual material that could be lost from our stocks if the deposit is too low. We really need the stocks returned as much as possible.

They are mostly made in Europe using green European stainless steel which has a 95% recycled content.

The ceramic items are all secondhand.

Can I bring back my own plates or cups?

Yes but only if you have broken ours and are replacing it with yours.

This is because we have a limited budget and cannot purchase extra items until we have raised more funds.

Also, we need to keep very accurate data about the numbers of items circulating at this event. It will allow us to guess best how to scale up the service.

If you have spare items to donate to the charity we will gratefully receive them and add them to local community stocks.

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